Monday, May 26, 2008

been awhile

Wow, how time flies. I guess it has been awhile since we've posted! All is well. I am excited to tell you that we have raised 1/2 our monies for our trip! God is good. Thank you so much to all who have sent money and have bought Pots to support us! My mother-in-law and I have been working hard making our pots and selling them at Craft Shows etc. and had a very successful day selling at our local flea market a few days ago. Asante Jesus! This week I am gearing up for another Fundraising Garage Sale and so blessed to have had so many people donate items to the sale!

Also want to give you a site to a friend I met while in Uganda. She has opened up her own home for orphaned children living with Aids. She just got her site up and running, and feel it's a "must see" site to look at! Here's the link:

1 comment:

Angela said...

I was wondering if you were going to post pics of those wonderful pots on your blog here...Also, if one of your friends wanted one that lived far away, are you willing to ship them? I know there are a few ladies from Women of Worship that would be interested in something like that but we live all over the place....