Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pray for Rain

National Post:
Kenya is experiencing its worst drought in 20 years. Livestock are dropping like flies, devastating the herdsmen and farmers of the Maasai tribes, and the UN is deeply concerned about the possibility of famine.

Talked with Pamela today; electricity and water is being shut off 3 days a week in Nairobi and surrounding areas. Many people are struggling with hunger. The latest business is getting water; from wherever you can and selling it. Which is scary, due to some of the places they are getting the water.

Please join me in prayer for the Kenyan people. For God to pour down the rains in Kenya.

I am reminded of the story of Elijah, who earnestly prayed for No rain, and for 3 1/2years there was no rain. Then he prayed for Rain; and down it poured James 5:18 tells us, The grass turned green and the crops began to grow.

Let us have faith like Elijah and earnestly pray for Rain for Kenya~

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