So Noah had two of his Africa shots last Friday, and was perfect! No crying, didn't even feel it much. Praise God.....I had myself all worked up for the worst after Jacob's episode. So they've got 2 down and only two more shots to go! I am so very proud of my two little guys.
I just noticed to that I haven't really updated about our trip. God has been so good, our funds are coming along and the biggest news is in a very random way we have come in contact with a wonderful couple who have two orphanges in Kenya, and after meeting with them and some other special people involved in there ministry we are planning on going to Kenya as our first stop next June. And just a few days before this all came about, I was talking with Pamela and she told me that she will be done with University in May, so she will be back in Kenya by June. And I was so excited by this news, as we've been struggling with Bob only having 16 days, and just not being able to hit Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. It was a blessing to get this news, knowing that we could for sure do Kenya, Tanzania! And God continued to bless us that week, by connecting us up with Mission To The Fatherless in such a random way (well random to us) by not so random by God's provision for us. He had it all planned all along. It's been exciting to see His plans unveil. Please continue to pray for our eyes to be open to seeing his plan and our ears being open to hearing his calling. Along with that please pray for me, as I would like to go out earlier than Bob with the boys, but must do so with having someone going out with me to help me out. Thanks for all your love, prayers, and support.
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