Monday, March 30, 2009


Habari za leo! Good day!

We are now at 9 weeks! We spent a great deal of time on Friday, getting more shots, sorry Jacob :( and getting prescriptions filled out for malaria meds, antibiotics for the boys to have ready incase it is needed, etc..... It was an exciting day to be in the preperation mode! Only 2 more shots for Bob and the boys and we will be done with immunizations. Which will make Jacob very very happy :)Support money is coming in. We are thankful for all those who have supported us and are praying for us! We are still looking at needing 3,000 more.

Also we have come into contact with a lady who is in ministry serving in Nairobi, who may have some alternate housing for us, that would be cheaper. Please pray for God's Will in this. If we got quality, safe, yet cheaper housing, we would be free to do more ministry in further areas of Kenya. We would like to get to Northern Kenya to visit an Orphanage there, that is ran by local Ohio people, as well as look back into the possibilty of going down into Tanzania.

Please keep praying for us! We have seen God move in many awesome way thus far; due to the prayers of you! Asante Sana for your love and support!

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