Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Our Fundraising is finished! All funds have been provided! We are so grateful to you all~ And to our Awesome God, who always provides......

When we were packing up our booth at Hartville on Monday; a sense of relief came upon me, as this was our last Fundraising event for this trip. As I pondered it, I realized we have been doing events raising funds for 2 years. And I know that when I set foot on Kenyan soil next week; I will promptly be reminded of how it was all worth it! Worth the hundreds of extra hours Bob and I have spent doing side jobs and events to reach the goal.

To those who have been at our side these last 2 years, praying, and helping, words cannot express how grateful we are! I only wish that now you could step onto Kenyan soil with us~ Perhaps one day :)

I am in crazy cleaning and packing mode this week.....slowly but surely it's coming along. Pray I can keep the energy needed to do this exhausting chore.

Until my next post, Kwaheri and Asante for everything!

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