Friday, June 12, 2009


Okay so I have to say that clothes pins are overrated!!! hee :) its so much easier just to hang your clothes right over the line without the pins! That was my chore this morning!

Well it's been a week. We have enjoyed just getting used to Kenyan culture and trying to fit in as much as we can! Yes we here the occasional Mzungu Mzungu! :) But that's okay, we use our Swahili and say hello and go about our way.

We have been to several markets this week, to get supplies for VBS which starts tomorrow, as well as food, and yesterday went to Textile alley for fabric for Pamela's mom to sew all of us outfits! The boys even chose there own fabric for there outfits!

Today is Pamela's birthday so to celebrate we are taking the whole family to Nairobi Natl. Park. A mini Safari out the outskirts of town! Pamela's family has NEVER been there, so it' s a real treat for them. Speaking of treat, I ordered pizza the other night for dinner, and Pamela's sisters have never had cheese, so it didn't go over well. Can you fathom being 19 and 21 and never having cheese.....that is the reality of so many here! I am so blessed to be here to encourage and help them.

We went to Kibera last night, where one of Pamela's sisters lives with her 3 kids. I was so proud of the boys, Noah made a 1 sec. comment about all the rubbish and that was it, they were off playing with the kids the whole night in the slum!! Didn't matter that it smelled or that there was rubbish everywhere, or that children were running around 1/2 naked. They had a blast and want to go back :)

We are going to try to find bubbles so we can have fun blowing them with the kids next week when we go back. I so want to open up a Nursery school there! Many of the kids don't talk cause they cannot go to school due to money. Oh just breaks my heart.

Thanks for all your prayers! None of us have been sick, and were sleeping pretty well. The boys are doing pretty good overall. They have there moments; but there hearts are genuine and loving the kids here!

In our compound there are many kids, each day after school they come knocking on our door asking for Jacob and Noah. It's so cute!

Noah makes friends everywhere we are at. And a lot with adults. They love talking with him, and the LOVE his Lego guys!!!

Okay I am going to go for now. I am going to try to load more pics. Interenet is slow, so we'll see if it works or not.

So for now Kwaheri :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going so good! We should find a way to skype or something! I hope things continue to go well! Tell the boys I love em!
